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Map Canada-Alaska Trip 2015
2 weeks
5954 km / 3700 miles

Late August 2015 Jayne and I rode north from Portland, Oregon through Washington State. We decided to do the first 300 miles to the Canadian border by interstate, just to cover some ground. Our first and main goal was Hyder, Alaska.along the Cassiar Highway with Salmon Glacier and the bear watching platform. We then continued on North just barely into Yukon at Watson Lake with the Sign Post Forest. From there we took the Alaska Highway back down. We rode through Jasper and Banff National Park along the Icefield Highway. Then through Yolo National Park and along Franklin D. Roosevelt Lake. After that we took some smaller roads through Washington State and Oregon back home.
The best time for such a trip is summer, since it can get really cold up there any other time of year, but we still ended up having to ride in snow in Jasper National Park.

The road conditions are generally good,even the Cassiar Highway is comletely paved. One thing to watch out for are the many miles long road construtions sites on the Alaska Highway. They often have removed the pavement for re-paving and graders push up a dirt/gravel berm that one has to cross sometimes.

In terms of safety wild animals are probably the greatest thread. Not only bears can be dangerous, but mountain lions and even racoons can be dangerous. We always left our food in locked aluminum panniers when camping. Another danger are truck drivers on the Alaska Highway, and not only for female hitchhikers. Some of them have no respect for motorcycles and try to push you off the road.

Preparing the bikes for the trip
For the long trip through a very remote area the bikes needed some maintenance before the trip.

The border crossing into Canada wasn't a problem at all.
Border crossing to Canada
Forest Fire Smoke filled air
From Vancouver we took Highway 1 north and then continued north on 97. The first 500+ miles going north we didn't take any photos and we were actually thinking about canceling the trip because of intense smoke from large wilfires in Washinton State that moved north with us. Still lots of smoke
British Columbia, Canada
Around Prince George the smoke finally disappeared and we got to see and enjoy the landscae around us. From there we took Hwy 16 west. Canada Hwy 20 going West
Hyder, Alaska 240 km
In Kitwanga we finally reached the Cassiar Highway (37), which would take us north to Hyder, Alaska. Cassiar Highway
Cassiar Highway going North
The Cassiar Highway is nice, even though one sees mostly trees. We saw lots of wildlife including bears on and near the road. Very little traffic on this road, and few gas stations - don't pass any! About 200 mile range is needed to make it betweenn stations. More Cassiar Highway

Motorcycle pannier mounting kits / hardware

Made and used by an experienced motorcycle traveler.

Motorcycle  Pannier Mounting Kit/Hardware

Motorcycle  Pannier Mounting Kit/Hardware

Motorcycle Pannier Mounting Kit/Hardware

Motorcycle spare gas/oil cans

Tough fuel cans and water bottles for adventure trips

Motorcycle Spare Fuel Can, Jerry Can

Motorcycle Water Bottle

Motorcycle Spare Fuel Can, Jerry Can

Quality is essential, not only on a RTW trip.