Coyotetrips > Trips with Motorcycle > USA > 2014 >1>2>3>4                  Click on the photos to enlarge them.                                 Deutsche Version flag
Utah state road 12
From Capitol Reef we rode the motorcycles on Utah state route 12. The scenery is beatiful but it was very windy,especially riding ofer the ridge with drop offs on both sides. Utah state road 12
Bryce Canyon National Park
We were lucky that the campsites in Bryce Canyon National Park were not full yet. So we camped in the park and enjoyed the sunset. Bryce Canyon National Park
Bryce Canyon National Park
Tipp: Ride through to the end of the road and then start your visit from there. This way all the stops will be on the right side and you'll start from the least touristy spots. Bryce Canyon National Park
Bryce Canyon National Park
Bryce Canyon is beautiful, but it is very touristy, so go early in the morning before all the other tourists arrive.
Bryce Canyon National Park
Utah State Road 21
We rode Utah state route 21 towards Nevada. Not exactly a scenic ride, but I sometimes like to see the vast nothingness out there. Utah State Road 21
Great Basin National Park
In Nevada we rode to the Great Basin Nationa Park, but since we would have needed to wait about 3 hours to get to go on a tour of the Lehman caves we only rode up the Wheeler Peak Scenic drive and enjoyed the views. Great Basin National Park
Camping in Nevada on BLM land, absolutely nowhere
Once again we camped rough in the absolute middle of nowhere on BLM land in Nevada. Out there one can see the stars like in only very few other places. But beware it gets quite cold at night in the dessert.
BLM land is public land and camping rough is allowed, just clean up after yourself.
Camping in Nevada on BLM land, absolutely nowhere