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Map Yellowstone Trip 2011

2 Weeks

4091 km / 2557 miles

In mid of June 2011  Jayne and I rode our motorcycles from Portland, Oregon east through southern Washington to Idaho. There we rode once again over Lolo Pass into Montana. Then we rode south along the Rocky Mountains with a stop in the he western cities Nevada City and Virginia City. Further on to the main goal of the trip in Wyoming to the Yellowstone National Park, which we visited for three days. Three days are of course not enough to see the entire huge park, but it is enough to see the main attractions along the 8-shaped road, and not just by driving by. The Geysir Old Faithful and the surrounding area is very touristy, but it is absolutely worth seeing. Further on we rode south through the Grand Teton National Park and then west again through Idaho. We visited the Craters of the Moon National Monument before we came to Oregon again. Since the Burning Moto Man (a meeting for motorcycle travelers) in southern Oregon was coming up we stopped there for the weekend before we then finally headed home.

General Information


The best time to travel to the Yellowstone National Park is July through September, but then campsites and hotels have to be reserved well in advance. In June one still has to expect snow (as we had it) and in October the snow is already back. The whole Yellowstone area  is on a elevation of 2000-2500m (6500-8200 feet)!

The road surface is good and potholes are seldom.

In terms of safety I can only say that as in every tourist area theft from tents and vehicles happen, and also pick pockets are not seldom. Another important point while camping is to follow the rules regarding bears and other wild animals. If one follows the park rules attacks are rather unlikely.

The traffic rules here are a little different. Buffalo/Bison have the right of way, and they are often on the roads. One also has to expect traffic jams, because everybody just parks on the road if there are Buffalos nearby, or even bears.

In Montana we saw some 'real' Cowboys on horses. Yes, there are still a few, but they are seldom. Modern Cowboys usually use dirt bikes or helicopters. Cowboys
The landscape in western Montana is absolutely gorgeous, even though the roads don't have too many turns. Montana
Nevada City
The western towns of Nevada City and Virginia City are very interesting, especially Nevada City. We will certainly come back, then with more time to explore the town (entrance fee charged). Nevada City
We love the wide open landscapes of Montana. Montana
After 4 days we reached the Yellowstone National Park and after only a few minutes in the park we saw first herd of buffalos/bison. Yellowstone

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