Coyotetrips > Trips with Motorcycle > Europe > Sweden >1>2>3                                Click on the photos to enlarge them.                               Deutsche Version flag
ferry from Turku (Fin) to Stockholm (S) The ferry from Turku (Fin) to Stockholm (S) takes about 9 hours and costs 35,- Euros for the bike and a shared cabin. The ferry sails along the "Schären" with its more than 20.000 small and smallest islands.
Öland At last a little side-trip to the island "Öland", but it is quite touristy and maybe better for a beach-vacation.
Öresundbridge Back I drove again over the Öresundbridge. Bridge, island and tunnel on 16km.

The trip ended after 6.827 km (4,267 miles) like it had started: Rain in Germany!

no space! I often got asked why I didn't take my girlfriend Jayne on the trips.

The answer is: WHERE?!?


No, I haven't had too much luggage with me! If you remove the tent, cooker, sleeping bag, food, and thermo-clothes there is nearly nothing left! The only thing I didn't need was my (too optimistic packed) t-shirt! Luckily I could also bring my tools and the replacement parts unused back!


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