Coyotetrips > Trips with Motorcycle > Europe > South Norway >1>2>3>4                       Click on the photos to enlarge them.                          Deutsche Version flag
glacier Further northwards. In the background on the right, Jayne's first glacier.
waterfall One of uncountable waterfalls and again a serpentine road.
Rv55, a dream! Who drives in south Norway has to drive the Rv55, because otherwise you'll miss the best!!!
snow in July Snow in July is not seldom along the Rv55, even if it's actually to warm for snow!?
glacier This glacier is along the Rv55 too.
Juvass Hytta One doesn't necessarily need a Dual-Sport to drive to the Juvass Hytta (shortly before Lom), the highest point in Norway one can drive to (1850m/5550ft). But, especially if the road is wet, a Enduro is recommendable, because the mud-gravel-road sometimes is quite steep. The automatic toll-gate can easily be avoided with a motorcycle (costs otherwise 8 Euros).