Coyotetrips > Trips with Motorcycle > Europe > Eastern Europe >1>2>3>4                       Click on the photos to enlarge them.                          Deutsche Version flag
Kotor in Montenegro
The bay of Kotor in Montenegro, and especially the old town of Kotor with it's narrow cobbled streets is worth seeing. Even though the "most southern fjord of Europe" is where cruise ships stop, and therefore it is a bit touristy, it is still worth seeing.
bay of Kotor in Montenegro
Dubrovnik in Croatia Dubrovnik in Croatia is pretty too,  but since we were running low on time, we had to skip visiting it.
Mostar in Bosnia Mostar in Bosnia with its rebuilt bridge "Stari Most" ofcourse has to be in a trip like this. The old town is freshly renovated, but right behind it one can still see bombed-out and bullet hole-ridden houses.
mine fields in Bosnia an Croatia
There are still many mine fields in Bosnia, as well as in the back country of Croatia! (left photo)

On many houses you can still clearly see the pock marks of war, here in Karlovac, Croatia. (right photo)

Karlovac, Croatia
Slovakia fire department (Hasici)
In Slovakia we passed a sport field where the fire department (Hasici) had a contest. Unfortunately we came late, so we could only watch the award ceremony, and have a look at some fire trucks. Slovakia fire department (Hasici)

We had 4 weeks for the trip and drove 7,916 km (4,948 miles).

More photos of the trip are here (Part 1) and here (Part 2).

A extended report by Jayne is available here.

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