Coyotetrips > Trips with Motorcycle > Europe > Adriatic Sea Trip >1>2>3>4                       Click on the photos to enlarge them.                          Deutsche Version flag

The scenery in Bosnia is great. I took this photo because it reminded me of Norway.

cave of Postojna The cave of Postojna (Postojnska jama), Slovenia is definitely worth a visit!
Austria Further on north through Austria.
church of bones In the Czech Republic I visited the "church of bones" in Kutna Hora. Here they used the bones of about 40,000 people to make a surreal decoration (for the record, it was with the people's permission - they wanted to be buried in the church but there was no more room in the graves or crypts).
fire department of Dubrovnik As a firefighter, ofcourse I had to visit a fire department. So I stopped by at the fire department of Dubrovnik, Croatia. The chief was very friendly and gave my a little tour in a good English.
all new trucks I had been wondering why all of their trucks are brand new, and then the chief told me that the station was hit by more than 30 grenades during the war, and everything had to be replaced. During this attack, three firefighters died (photo). Below them is a photo of the burning port of Dubrovnik - all very sad.

This trip took  3 weeks and ended after 6,408 km (4,000 miles)

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