Coyotetrips > Trips with Motorcycle > USA > 2011 >1>2>3>4                  Click on the photos to enlarge them.                                 Deutsche Version flag
In the third night it got really cold and it snowed, in June. cold
Yellowstone river
The Yellowstone river flows through canyons of yellow rock (isn't good to see on the photos), now it is clear how the park got it's name. Yellowstone river
frozen lake On the way south out of the Yellowstone National Park we stopped at this frozen lake. Just to remind you - it was mid of June!
Grand Teton National Park
The Grand Teton National Park is immediately south of the Yellowstone National Park. The entrance fee for Yellowstone also includes the entrance fee for the Tetons. Grand Teton National Park
bear sighting
Jayne is afraid. Some of the hiking trails were closed because of bear sightings. We decided not to camp that night, but not because of the bears, but because the previous nights had been very cold. bear sighting
submarine in Arco
A submarine, in the middle of Idaho? They did (and do?) a lot of nuclear research, and they also developed the nuclear reactor for submarines here. Arco
Craters of the Moon National Monument
The Craters of the Moon National Monument is a large lava field, and one really feels like one is on the moon. Craters of the Moon National Monument